WHERE IS I, 1997-2019, Globalodromia
WHERE IS I (located)
These are a few of the well-known quotes from philosophers who have shaped human history.
“I know that I know nothing.”1
“I think therefore I am.” 2
Still, the question arises, about which I have these philosophers been talking about?
How many times a day does a person use the word I?
Everything starts with I.
I was born on …
Everything we (I) have done in our lives, the I had done.
But where is the I located?
Until now, no scientist, philosopher, theologian or anyone has been able to give an answer to this question.
“The question of where the I is located is much more difficult to answer.
The brain is a very distributively organized system and the I cannot be localized. It is an attribution for the entirety of the intentional acts that the observer can perceive. ” 3
3 Wolf Joachim Singer, German neurophysiologist and brain researcher.
Will the Human being (I) ever manage to find the place of the I?
The mystery is not far from us. After all, it is the I that we (I) are looking for.
Humans can still travel to many planets or solar systems and undertake as much research and measurements there, nevertheless without
knowing the starting point (I), every “new” information that reaches the (not located) I: approximately, not precisely and therefore not yet precisely measurable.
“Because what can be measured also exists.” 44
Can we find a comparison in nature to explain the location of the ego?
No, that is not possible because we do not know what kind of knowledge we will have by finding the I-place.
The question: Where is I (located) is perhaps the fundamental question for humanity. The reason is very simple, what does information mean if we don’t know where the information ends up?
This question (“Where is I”) could form a discourse in order to research the search for the exact location of the I.
With finding the location of the I, a fundamental question would also be answered at the same time: Where does the now (in the I) manifest itself?
Globalodromia / FILOART
1 Socrates, old Greek “oἶδα οὐκ εἰδώς”
2 René Descartes, Latin “ego cogito, ergo sum”
3 Wolf Joachim Singer, German neurophysiologist and brain researcher.
4 Max Planck

WHERE IS I, 2023, Sheshi i Lidhjes, Prizren, Globalodromia FILOART
Photo: Denis Kocbasli
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