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NOW IS NOT NOW, 2019, Concept/Graphics, Globalodromia

At the statement “NOW IS NOT NOW” lies a profound paradox: the assertion that the present moment, denoted by “now,” defies its own definition. This self-negating declaration challenges viewers to confront the limitations of language and logic in encapsulating the essence of time.

“Even if we live in the ‘now,’ we still do not know what ‘now’ is; the now is unknown to us. In this way, we can also interpret the sentence ‘Now is not now’ as ‘Unknown is not unknown.’ If ‘unknown is not unknown,’ then the question arises: is the unknown known?”

If ‘Now is not now,’ then this means that ‘now’ is not itself. In this interpretation, “Now is not itself” conveys the idea that the present moment, or “now,” transcends its own existence. It suggests that “now” is not bound by a singular definition or state but encompasses a broader spectrum of meanings and interpretations.

Furthermore, “Now is not itself” may imply a philosophical inquiry into the nature of existence and reality. 

“NOW IS NOT NOW” can also be interpreted as: Everything can be “now” except „now“ itself.

“NOW IS NOT NOW”through its paradoxical nature, it transcends the confines of traditional discourse, inviting viewers to embrace the inherent ambiguity of existence.

It is very interesting that the ‘now’ in which we live our lives is completely unknown to us.

NOW IS NOT NOW, 2019, Video, 2023, Globalodromia FILOART
Link to the Video

NOW IS NOT NOW, 2019, Globalodromia FILOART, Proposal for the installation, VIDEO 2024
Link to the Video

NOW IS NOT NOW, 2019, Globalodromia FILOART, 2024, Barabar Center, Prishtina

NOW IS NOT NOW, Globalodromia FILOART in collaboration with AI, Generated Image, 2024