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NOW IS NOT NOW, 2019, Concept/Graphics, Globalodromia


The statement “NOW IS NOT NOW” embodies a profound paradox: it asserts that the present moment—”now”—contradicts itself. This self-negating phrase forces us to confront the limitations of language and logic in capturing the essence of time.

Even as we exist in the present, we do not truly grasp what “now” is. The now remains elusive, an unknown embedded within our perception. In this way, the phrase “Now is not now” could also mean “Unknown is not unknown.” If the unknown is not unknown, then does it, paradoxically, become known?

If “Now is not now,” then “now” is not itself. This suggests that “now” transcends its own identity, refusing to be confined to a singular definition. It exists in a fluid state, shifting with perception, interpretation, and experience.

Furthermore, this paradox invites a deeper exploration of reality and existence. “NOW IS NOT NOW” could mean that everything can be “now”—except “now” itself. If the present moment is only defined in contrast to the past and future, then does it ever truly exist as a stable entity?

In truth, we do not experience the real now. What we call “now” is merely an interpretation—an imprint of reality, not reality itself. The present we perceive is already a reconstruction, an echo of something fleeting.

But the question of “NOW” extends beyond philosophy. It touches on the evolving relationship between humans and AI. 1 human second ≈ 1,000,000,000 AI seconds (277,778 hours or 31.69 years). If AI experiences time at a vastly different scale, then what does “now” even mean in such a context? Can a „now“ be universal, or is it forever bound to the nature of the observer?

Through its paradoxical nature, “NOW IS NOT NOW” breaks free from conventional thought, inviting us to embrace the inherent ambiguity of existence.

Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of all is this: the now in which we live is, and may forever remain, completely unknown to us.

NOW IS NOT NOW, 2019, Video, 2023, Globalodromia FILOART
Link to the Video

NOW IS NOT NOW, 2019, Globalodromia FILOART, Proposal for the installation, VIDEO 2024
Link to the Video

NOW IS NOT NOW, 2019, Globalodromia FILOART, 2024, Barabar Center, Prishtina

NOW IS NOT NOW, 2019, Globalodromia FILOART in collaboration with AI, Generated Image, 2024

NOW IS NOT NOW, 2019, Proposal for installation Kalaja Prizren, 2024, Globalodromia FILOART

NOW IS NOT NOW, 2019, Proposal for installation Bürgerhaus Berlin, 2022, Globalodromia FILOART