I.-R.A.S.C., 2002-2007, U.R.A. Infra-red light against surveillance cameras
I.-R.A.S.C. [i-rás]
Construction Manual
I.-R.A.S.C. is a device that can protect reliably against infra-red surveillance cameras.
The device is quickly assembled and can be easily self-made. You need an infra-red light (Fig.1) and a battery corresponding to the light intensity (Fig.2). You need a cable (Fig.3) with two lines (+ and -) in order to connect the infra-red light with the battery. Once the connection made between the battery and the infra-red light, I.-R.A.S.C. start to shine.
In order to turn the device on and off, a switch can be built in. You might as well connect and disconnect with the battery to switch on and off.
To be well protected from Infra-red surveillance cameras you need powerful infra-red LED-s. If necessary, you can use several infra-red LED-s in a row. For proper use the of the I.-R.A.S.C., the light needs to sit on your forehead. Therefore attach the device on a headband (Fig.4), a cap or hat – use your fantasy.
Article related to this work:
2007 I.-R.A.S.C
2007 “Einblick (216)”
2008 I-R.A.S.C : une protection contre la sécurité
2008 Infrared LEDs make you invisible to CCTV cameras
2008 How Not to Block Cameras
2009 Beat Big Brother: Dodge CCTV, phone taps and spies
2010 A Trialogue on Interventions in Surveillance Space
2012 I-R.A.S.C., wearable surveillance protection
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2016 Wearables for Physical Privacy