Golden Showers (2020-2013) 80 x 60 cm, urin on Paper, P.M.S
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Five Russian prostitutes kindly donated about half a liter of urine for the work GOLDEN SHOWERS. In the style of pointilism of the 19th century, this work was made in the urinell technique (derived from Aquarell/Watercolor) by the group P.M.S. FILOART. The urine drops shape in a light and subtle form (in opposite to his character) the portrait of Trump, who stands in front of the viewer with an open, inflated mouth. Because the work is very low in contrast, it leaves an indistinct feeling: is this portrait about to appear or disappear? The work refers to an investigation in 2013 by the US secret services. At that time, they examined the most beautiful suite of the house “The Ritz-Carlton” in Moscow on the tenth floor, where Trump is said to have loaded prostitutes on the double bed and allegedly asked them for “Golden Showers”, i.e. to urinate. This work is made from 100% biological materials.