filo (Gr. φιλοζ ) love of, he who loves. art (lat. ars) art
filoart love of art, philosophy and art, love of knowledge, love of the unknown…
“Every human body is made up from groups of physical units. Each human has ideas, in this way, ideas create groups of ideas. The fact is that every human being is a conglomerate of these groups”
In the year 1984, a conglomerate of different groups built one group. The group was named FILOART.
The name of the FILOART group refers not only to the author (the group), that makes the works, but also to the achievements of others and all the components that make the existence of the works possible; and also to all the influences from previous history, that have led the author (the group) to make the works. This group started out as an experiment and a self-experiment. The group’s challenge was to unfold and focus on different levels and layers, to deconstruct and list the author (the group) and find the author’s (the group’s) relations to his/hers (its) working process and hers/his (its) works. The working form of FILOART directed the group in anonymity. FILOART was not an abstract notion, concept, idea or unreal invention. FILOART was a real existing, logical result, one step closer to clarifying inter alia the question and relations of the author, authorship and the work. By the end of the 1980-s, due to unknown reasons the FILOART group split up.
In the 1990-s, several groups emerged using the concept of FILOART as a keystone for their working form. These groups work autonomously, their topics and their forms of expression are all different from each other. They are anonymous. At the end of the XX century, the FILOART movement included eight groups: Sammlerfamilie, Psychiatriepatienten, D.N.K. (Dashuria Ndaj Katrorit), L.E.O., Mrs.Brainwash, U.R.A., Globalodromia, P.M.S.
Self-Reflection and Self-Obsession in Art
The group’s emphasis on anonymity and collective authorship removes focus from individual egos, fame, or personal recognition. By prioritizing the art, philosophy, and collaborative process over the identity of originators, FILOART resists the self-centered tendencies often associated with traditional artistic or intellectual endeavors. This philosophical stance challenges narcissism, promoting a vision of expression as a shared human experience rather than an individual achievement.